Neurodevelopmental disorders can come in a number of forms. They include:
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a broadly defined condition that can have significant impacts on how someone who has it communicates, behaves, and interacts socially. Autism affects people in different ways and to different degrees. No medical test, such as a blood test, exists for autism. However, a trained professional can diagnose the condition in someone at an early age and prescribe a course of treatment that can help someone with autism function better.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD manifests in the person diagnosed with the condition having difficulty maintaining focus, moving about constantly, even in situations where it is inappropriate, and acting on impulse without thinking through the consequences of the action. No cure exists for ADHD, but a combination of medication and psychotherapy can help to reduce the symptoms and increase the patient’s ability to function.
Specific Learning Disorder causes a child to have difficulty mastering a number of skills in school. Dyslexia is a condition that causes one difficulty learning to read. Dyscalculia causes difficulty doing math. Dysgraphia causes a student difficulty learning to write. These conditions sometimes manifest along with ADHD and cause a great deal of frustration for a child suffering from one or more of them. Children with learning disorders can benefit from early diagnosis and a specialized form of education to help them to overcome the condition,
Motor Disorder is a catchall phrase that can include conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, and Rhett’s Syndrome that causes involuntary movements. Motor disorders can be treated with medication to a certain extent, as well as physical therapy and even surgery in some cases. No cure exists for any of the conditions classified as a motor disorder and treatment is lifelong.
Tourette’s Disorder manifests in involuntary movements and vocal sounds. A movement tic may involve blinking, shrugging one’s shoulders, or even jerking one’s arm. A vocal tic can include grunting, whistling, or shouting out a specific word or phrase. No cure exists for Tourette’s, but a combination of medication and behavior therapy can help someone with the condition keep the tics under control.
For more information on neurodevelopment disorders contact us.