Depressive Disorders: Future-Focused Treatment and Recovery

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Major Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. In 2020, an estimated 21.0 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode.

Depressive Disorders: Future-Focused Treatment and Recovery


Depressive episodes can vary among people, but they are commonly defined by some combination of the following symptoms:

  • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair
  • High levels of irritation and anger
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed
  • Sleep pattern changes like insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Reduced appetite, weight loss or weight gain
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Moving and/or thinking more slowly than normal
  • Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and failure
  • Brain fog, trouble concentrating, memory loss
  • Frequent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts
  • Unexplained physical symptoms, such as back pain or headaches

For most people experiencing a depressive episode, their symptoms have a moderate to severe impact on their day-to-day functioning and mood.


It is difficult to pinpoint exact causes of depression and every patient is different. Common causes of depression include brain chemistry, hormone levels, family history, trauma, medical conditions, substance use, and chronic pain. Risk factors include sex, genetics, socioeconomic status, vitamin deficiencies, substance abuse, and medical illnesses.


Depression is a serious mental health condition, and it requires treatment from professionals with a clear understanding of the disorder. At Pandora’s House Psychiatry,  we focus on treating the immediate symptoms of depressive disorders and helping patients with long-term recovery. The future can be a scary concept when you are dealing with depression, but with the right treatment, patients are able to reclaim both their present and their future.

Treatment for depression usually includes a combination of psychotherapy and medication. By conducting a thorough evaluation of your mental health, our psychiatrists will help create a treatment plan that focuses on the tools that will benefit you the most.  We are dedicated to serving you with sensitivity, understanding, and trust. If you, or someone you love, is suffering from depression, contact us today to schedule an initial appointment.

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Those who suffer from bipolar disorder have moods that swing like a pendulum. Extreme highs can turn into debilitating lows, often suddenly and with no apparent trigger. These rapid changes in disposition can affect energy levels and make it difficult to think clearly. It’s estimated that around 2.8% of U.S. adults struggle with this mental illness, though it’s believed that many cases go undiagnosed. Here’s everything you need to know about bipolar disorder.

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Two Moods

The two sides of the bipolar coin are mania and depression.


The mania phase is characterized by increased mental and physical activity. Extreme cases may trigger psychosis (a loss of perception of reality).

Symptoms include:

  • Elevated energy levels and decreased need for sleep
  • Agitation
  • Euphoria
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Increased talkativeness and distractibility
  • Poor decision-making (impulsiveness)


Depressive episodes invoke a feeling of emptiness. They often put a chronic strain on day-to-day activities (work, school, relationships).

Symptoms include:

  • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness, sometimes manifesting as irritability in children and teens
  • Loss of interest and energy
  • Weight fluctuations
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Slowed behavior
  • Suicidal thoughts


Bipolar disorder can be categorized by the frequency, duration, and intensity of episodes.

Bipolar I Disorder

The most extreme form. Manic episodes last for at least seven days. Major depressive episodes last for at least two weeks. Mixed episodes involving symptoms of both mania and depression are also possible. May require hospitalization.

Bipolar II Disorder

Similar to bipolar I, except the manic episodes are less severe (hypomania).

Cyclothymic Disorder

Also known as cyclothymia. Persistent manic and depressive episodes that are not intense enough to be classified as the types described above.


As of now, diagnosis is based on symptoms rather than brain imaging or any sort of diagnostic test.  There is still much to learn about the root cause of bipolar disorder, though research suggests that there is a genetic element to its development, being more likely to occur in those with a family history. Because of the broad range of symptoms, it can sometimes be difficult for mental health professionals to distinguish bipolar disorder from other mental illnesses.



Current medications only treat the symptoms of bipolar disorder rather than the source. The most commonly used drugs are mood stabilizers such as lithium or valproate. They help curb the frequency of mood swings, evening out one’s temperament. Because of the many side effects associated with these drugs, a thorough benefit vs risk analysis should be discussed with your doctor prior to use.


Also known as “talk therapy,” psychotherapy helps patients identify triggers and manage difficult emotions.  Mental health professionals provide a support network, offering compassion, education, and tools to combat the symptoms of bipolar disorder. It is often used in tandem with medication.

Let Us Help

If you or someone close to you is struggling with bipolar disorder, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Pandora’s House is dedicated to serving the community with diligent psychiatric care backed by sensitivity, understanding, and trust.  Click here to set up an initial consultation. 

Starting Fresh and Starting Over: 5 Tips for Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction

Recovering from addiction is a process that must be approached one careful step at a time, and a misstep at any point can derail your road to recovery and set the stage for a dangerous relapse. Even now, your sober friends and family members may not understand the true nature of recovery, and they may assume that rebuilding your life will be easy now that you have made it through the rehab process. The belief that the end of rehab is the end of temptation is all too common, but as a recovering addict or alcoholic, you know that is not the case. Now that you have achieved your hard-won sobriety, it is time to protect it with all your heart, and here are Pandora’s 5 tips for starting fresh, starting over and rebuilding your life after addiction.

Starting Fresh and Starting Over: 5 Tips for Rebuilding Your Life After Addiction

Focus on how far you have come.

The road to recovery is a long one, but now that you are sober, the most significant part is now behind you. Instead of worrying about what is still to come, try to focus on how far you have already traveled on the long road to recovery.

Remember that substance-use disorder is a disease.

Now that you are clean and sober, it is more important than ever to see addiction for what it is; a serious illness with dangerous implications. Once you realize that addiction is not a moral failing or a simple lack of willpower, you can move forward with a greater sense of confidence.

Make amends to those you have harmed.

Addiction and alcoholism can do enormous harm, and not just to the addict. When you were struggling with addiction, you may have hurt those closest to you; with theft, with the loss of trust and with ill-chosen words. Making amends can be part of your recovery, and a great way to start rebuilding those previously burned bridges.

Join a recovery support group.

Everyone needs support, especially those in recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction, and the right support group can make a world of difference as you seek to maintain your hard-won sobriety. Seek out local 12-step programs, attend family support sessions with your loved ones and find support wherever and whenever you can.

Focus on your good health.

Staying healthy is a big part of staying clean and sober, so look for ways to improve your physical and health while focusing on relaxation and other forms of emotional healthcare.

For more help on rebuilding your life after addiction, call us and make an appointment.

Empowerment and Mental Health: What is the Connection between the Two?

Many are times when you hear about words like empowerment and mental health. They are so common that they are sometimes considered buzzwords or vague terms — they cover a lot but don’t go into specifics.

A patient with adverse mental illness can greatly recover with the advancement of their personal power, which can be done through giving more community opportunities and treatment partnerships. Here, we discuss how empowerment can improve mental health, improving their way of life in the process.

Empowerment and Mental Health: What is the Connection between the Two?

What is Mental Health Empowerment?

In the mental health context, empowerment refers to the control, level of choice, and influence that patients suffering from mental health issues have over their lives. Mental health empowerment can be achieved by:

  • Respecting the decisions made by people over their own lives
  • Remaining respectful and non-judgmental
  • Providing encouragement and support to every decision that people make regarding their lives
  • Focusing more on the positives, abilities, and strengths
  • Having a genuine relationship with the person suffering from mental health issues. They should always be comfortable discussing their feelings and how they want things done

When done correctly, mental health empowerment can play a massive role in the patient’s recovery through its holistic and person-centered approach.

How to Achieve Mental Health Empowerment 

The two targets of mental health empowerment are:

Treatment Partnerships

Strategies that facilitate treatment partnerships focus more on recovery endorsement than approaches that suggest poor prognosis, more collaborative treatment options, and community-based treatment services, rather than depending on institutions located far away.

While focusing on treatment options that work for individuals is somewhat efficient, they are not sufficient on their own. This begs for alternative solutions that can be used along with treatment partnerships.

Community Opportunities 

Usually, the community is responsible for discrimination and stigma that worsen the patients’ mental health issues. Along with treatment partnerships, communities with more realistic views and more accommodating to patients with mental illnesses rather than stigmatizing and discriminating against them are more helpful in mental health empowerment.

Battles to do with mental health are so big that an individual’s and the doctor’s efforts alone might not be sufficient. Communities that understand, support, and respect other people’s life choices play a massive role in mental health empowerment.

Get the Help You Need

At Pandora’s House Psychiatry, we understand the challenges of poor mental health. We focus on helping patients improve their quality of life and facilitate a full recovery. Along with our professionals, we have a warm, safe, and supportive atmosphere needed for the wellbeing of our patients.

Is the psychiatric treatment offered right for you? You can contact us with us to find out.

Understanding Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders

Disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders are a group of mental health disorders that can begin in early childhood and teenage years. People who suffer from these disorders have more aggressive behavior toward other people. Many people can become angry and have occasional outbursts. But if these behavioral problems interrupt personal relationships, education, or work, it becomes a problem. In that case, a mental health disorder may need addressing. Common disorders within this group are oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, kleptomania, and pyromania.

 Understanding Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders

 Symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder:

  • Problems with authority
  • Showing anger or resentment
  • Talking back to parents or teachers
  • Trying to annoy others
  • Blaming others for their bad behavior
  • Acting spiteful to others

 Symptoms of conduct disorder:

  • Bullying or starting fights with others
  • Being physically harmful to animals and people
  • Destroying the property of others
  • Stealing from others
  • Lying to others
  • Skipping school or running away from home

  Symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder:

  • Shouting or yelling at others
  • Throwing temper tantrums
  • Hitting or smacking others
  • Breaking or throwing things
  • Making threats to harm others or animals

Symptoms of kleptomania:

  • Lacking the ability to control the urge to steal
  • Feeling enjoyment after stealing things that are not necessary for survival
  • Feeling bad after stealing but continuing to do it
  • Having an uncontrollable urge to steal
  • Retaliating is not the reason for stealing

Symptoms of pyromania:

  • Lacking the ability to control the urge to set fires
  • Having no reason to set fire other than the obsession with fires
  • Feeling pleasure before and after starting fires

Causes of disruptive, impulse control, and conduct disorders.

The environment that a child grows up in can play an essential role in some mental health disorders. A neglectful parent or a very authoritative parent can lead to children developing disruptive, impulse-control, or conduct disorders. A child who has a family member with a mental illness can mimic some of the aggressive behaviors that they display. Some conflicts between caregivers in a child’s life can also contribute to the development of these disorders.

Treatment options.

Treatment options for these disorders include working on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. The goal of treatment is to help people learn to use more self-control and manage emotions more efficiently. If a child has one of these disorders, treatment can involve working with the parents. For example, therapists can teach parents to realize their reactions to aggressive behaviors. Treatment will also help parents communicate and discipline children with these disorders. The goal is to treat the mental health condition before it worsens as an adult. The wellbeing of someone who is suffering is the primary focus of treatment. They can learn to react better to stressful events and form better relationships.

If you or someone you love is suffering from mental health disorders, we can help provide a better quality of life. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today!  Contact us to schedule an appointment with our professionals.

Gene Testing Cracks Code for Drug-Metabolizing Effects

Genetic tests today are so advanced they provide biological clues related to medical risk factors and personality traits. Although there is no absolute evidence that gene testing predicts you will develop a certain mental disorder, pharmacogenomics tests do shed light on whether a specific medication could assist with an existing psychiatric diagnosis.

Gene Testing Cracks Code for Drug-Metabolizing Effects

How does gene testing help?

Pharmacogenomic tests zero in on genetic variants that tell professionals about how your body metabolizes or processes various drugs. Such key information leads to more helpful dosing because everyone’s body responds differently to specific drugs. For example, genetic and psychological factors contribute to antidepressant side effects reported by individuals.

Researchers say some of the most prevalent pharmacogenetics tests include CYP2C19 as well as CPY2D6 and CPY2C9. Depending on a person’s “CYP phenotypes,” a prescriber works to find the optimal starting dose and type of antidepressant medication. In fact, prescribers often use genetically informed guidelines.

Which drugs are not tolerated by everyone?

CYP2D2 is the enzyme identified as influencing the metabolism of various opiates, including oxycodone, codeine, hydrocodone and tramadol. CYP2C19 is associated with the metabolism of carisoprodol, diazepam, clopidogrel and several antidepressants. Meanwhile, CYP2CD is the enzyme credited with metabolizing NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If you have had past trouble tolerating a certain antidepressant or other medication, consider gene testing. Your prior conditioning, anxiety and expectations based on preconceived ideas could influence drug tolerability, so it’s important to work with trained professionals who understand drug tolerability, genetic influences and neuroticism.

Should I obsess over my genes?

When it comes to a treatment plan – particularly more complicated concurrent therapies — understanding drug interactions is paramount to achieving safe and effective outcomes. Avoid adverse consequences with proper gene testing. At the same time, relax knowing we have scientific-based guidelines and treatment solutions. Although it’s tempting to analyze your specific genes for personality, mental health and physical health risks, ultimately your power is in mental health resources and support.

At Pandora’s House Psychiatry, we specialize in psychiatric mental health solutions for adults, adolescents and children. Talk to us about our at-home telemedicine and telehealth options for those who desire proven methods for coping and improving their quality of life. Improving mental health often means boosting life span and productivity as well as increasing the sense of self-worth. For more information about treating anxiety disorders, bipolar related disorders, substance abuse, gene testing and more, please contact us today.


Neurodevelopmental disorders and their treatment

Neurodevelopmental disorders can come in a number of forms. They include:

Neurodevelopmental disorders and their treatment

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a broadly defined condition that can have significant impacts on how someone who has it communicates, behaves, and interacts socially. Autism affects people in different ways and to different degrees. No medical test, such as a blood test, exists for autism. However, a trained professional can diagnose the condition in someone at an early age and prescribe a course of treatment that can help someone with autism function better.

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD manifests in the person diagnosed with the condition having difficulty maintaining focus, moving about constantly, even in situations where it is inappropriate, and acting on impulse without thinking through the consequences of the action. No cure exists for ADHD, but a combination of medication and psychotherapy can help to reduce the symptoms and increase the patient’s ability to function.

Specific Learning Disorder causes a child to have difficulty mastering a number of skills in school. Dyslexia is a condition that causes one difficulty learning to read. Dyscalculia causes difficulty doing math. Dysgraphia causes a student difficulty learning to write. These conditions sometimes manifest along with ADHD and cause a great deal of frustration for a child suffering from one or more of them. Children with learning disorders can benefit from early diagnosis and a specialized form of education to help them to overcome the condition,

Motor Disorder is a catchall phrase that can include conditions such as Parkinson’s Disease, Dystonia, and Rhett’s Syndrome that causes involuntary movements. Motor disorders can be treated with medication to a certain extent, as well as physical therapy and even surgery in some cases. No cure exists for any of the conditions classified as a motor disorder and treatment is lifelong.

Tourette’s Disorder manifests in involuntary movements and vocal sounds. A movement tic may involve blinking, shrugging one’s shoulders, or even jerking one’s arm. A vocal tic can include grunting, whistling, or shouting out a specific word or phrase. No cure exists for Tourette’s, but a combination of medication and behavior therapy can help someone with the condition keep the tics under control.

For more information on neurodevelopment disorders contact us.

3 Reasons To See A Psychiatrist For Substance Abuse

If you are dealing with substance abuse, you may want to consider seeing a psychiatrist. They can help you to overcome an addiction and get you on the path to recovery. Here are three great reasons to see a psychiatrist for substance abuse.

3 Reasons To See A Psychiatrist For Substance Abuse

You Learn Coping Strategies 

One great reason to see a psychiatrist for your substance abuse is to help you learn different coping strategies. Your psychiatrist will teach you how to deal with your compulsions when it comes to substance abuse and will give you alternative ways to help you overcome your addiction. This will help you to cope in ways that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to.

You Have Someone To Help You With Relapse 

Another great reason to see a psychiatrist for substance abuse is because you have someone to help you with relapse. Your psychiatrist can help you when you are struggling. You can call or visit them at anytime, and they will help you to talk through your emotions surrounding relapse. If you have happened to relapse, they will also talk to you about how you can get back on track and prevent it from happening again.

You Create A Support Network

When you see a psychiatrist for substance abuse, you have access to a great support network. You have the support of your psychiatrist whenever you need them, and you also have access to other kinds of support in the form of group therapy. You can talk with like-minded people who are also struggling with substance abuse and who also need support. This helps you to rely on each other to get the level of support that you need.

To learn more great reasons to see a psychiatrist for substance abuse, or to contact a great psychiatrist today, visit us at Pandora’s House Psychiatry.

Somatic Symptom Disorder: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

Somatic symptom disorder consists of an obsessive focus on physical senses such as pain and fatigue. Patients afflicted by somatic symptom disorder are diagnosed with significant distress and difficulty functioning normally.

Previously referred to as somatoform disorder or somatization disorder, somatic symptom disorder leads to excessive thoughts and feelings about physical symptoms. The belief that you’re suffering from physical pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, or frailness does not go away despite reassurance from medical professionals that you are, in fact, in perfect health.

Somatic Symptom Disorder: What Is It and How Is It Treated?


A person diagnosed with this portrays the following symptoms:

  • Pain, especially in the chest, arms, legs, back, abdomen, and joints.
  • Severe headache, physical disability, weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, and other neurological symptoms.
  • Abdominal pains and bowel complications, diarrhea, constipation, incontinence, and other digestive symptoms
  • Sexual syndromes, including painful sexual activity or painful periods

With symptoms ranging from mild to severe in different patients, most indicate experiencing more than one.


Commonly diagnosed in women rather than men, somatic symptom disorder results from several factors, including biological susceptibility, childhood trauma, and a learned way of thinking. The main factors are:

  • Extreme anxiety and scrutiny of bodily processes, low pain threshold
  • Stunted emotional development possibly due to parental neglect during childhood
  • Physical and sexual child abuse


Treating somatic symptom disorder to improve a patient’s quality of life and relieve anxiety involves medication, therapy, or a blend of both.

Psychotherapy, specifically cognitive behavior therapy, involves engaging the patient to pinpoint negative or illogical thoughts and patterns and working through them.

Antidepressant medication also aids in repressing somatic symptom disorders and anxiety. An ideal combination when paired with psychotherapy, antidepressant medication causes side effects when prescribed initially and should only be medically recommended.

Pandora’s House Psychiatry is dedicated to providing mental health care and raising awareness in the North Dallas area. Contact us to find out more about our psychiatric care facilities.


The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders are certain conditions that affect the functions of the brain. These conditions may be mild impairments, which may see people living everyday life, or severe disorders that may require lifetime healthcare. Examples of neurodevelopment disorders include; Schizophrenia, ADHD, Tourette syndrome, Fragile X disorders, Autism, and Language and Speech disorders.

The Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Causes of neurodevelopmental disorders

Neurodevelopmental disorders occur when complex environmental and genetic factors interact to change the development of the brain. Sometimes, these environmental and genetic factors are known, and sometimes they are not known. Neurodevelopmental disorders seem to be inherited within a family where some family members might have different disorders. Although the causes of these disorders might be unknown, it is essential to identify the extent to which they interfere with the patient’s daily life to identify an intervention. Some experiences during pregnancy may result in neurodevelopmental disorders such as

  • Premature birth
  • Substance and drug abuse during pregnancy
  • Low birth weight
  • Environmental contaminants such as lead

Symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders

The symptoms of many neurodevelopmental disorders start manifesting when a child is young, mostly in preschool age. However, like schizophrenia, signs may start in teenage or young adulthood, and symptoms vary depending on the disorder.

  • ADHD- hyperactivity, lack of attention, impulsivity, and distractibility.
  • Schizophrenia – delusions, withdrawal from family and friends, hallucinations, and disorganized thoughts.
  • Tourette Syndrome- coughing or grunting, ticks such as eye blinking and shoulder shrugging.
  • Autism- resisting touch, self-harm, little or no eye contact, and difficulty communicating.

Treatment of neurodevelopmental disorders

There are no cures for these disorders identified, although effective therapeutic strategies exist that help control some symptoms and signs depending on the disorder and its extent. Some medications reduce agitation, hyperactivity, pulsations, and anxiety. Doctors also offer psychotherapy and behavior therapy to help parents and children manage behavior patterns. Counseling and therapy help people learn coping techniques to control behavior and carry on with their daily life activities. Effective and consistent prenatal care for conditions such as autism and ADHD increases the chances of delivering a healthy, full-term baby, with reduced chances of neurodevelopmental challenges. It is essential to have regular health checks up to identify these disorders and have intervention in place. Schedule an appointment with us today at Pandora’s House Psychiatry.