Understanding Depressive Disorders and Seeking Help

Depressive disorders can impact people and make life difficult. Not only do they affect the mind, but they can cause people to struggle physically and emotionally. Because of this, you may wonder what depressive disorders involve and how to seek help if you want to manage your depression.

Understanding Depressive Disorders and Seeking Help

Explaining Depressive Disorders

Depressive disorders stand out as a condition where a person feels long bouts of sadness, anxiety, or worry. While most people face depressive moments in life, depressive disorders cause people to constantly feel depressed. This can cause the person to struggle and find it difficult to function in life. For example, a depressed person may rather stay in bed all day due to concerns and fears.

Depressive disorders include many symptoms including lack of self-worth, struggling to gain motivation, and consistent negative thoughts. A person can experience other symptoms when it comes to depression, so people can’t always self-diagnose.

When You Should Seek Help

If you find yourself facing some of the symptoms above, you should see if you can receive help. Even if some of the symptoms don’t seem severe at the moment, you can’t predict how they may develop with time. This means you can see the treatment options available if you talk with a doctor about your situation.

From there, you could end up seeing a psychiatrist about your symptoms. This will help you see if you should seek medication or more meetings with the psychiatrist. Doing so will help you see how you can maintain and work through your depression.


Depressive disorders can pose some challenges in life if a person doesn’t manage them. This requires the person to recognize the disorder, work through it, and find ways to cope with it. This can happen through coping techniques, relieving stress, and even medication. If you think you may have a depressive disorder, you can contact us at Pandora’s House Psychiatry to receive help and guidance.

Seven Types of Treatment That Help People With Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental health condition that causes a variety of symptoms including delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, and social withdrawal. The illness affects all areas of a person’s life including health, relationships, job, and education. The good news is there are numerous treatment tools available that can aid those living with schizophrenia have happy, productive lives.

Seven Types of Treatment That Help People With Schizophrenia


Psychoeducation is provided to teach symptoms of illness, coping skills, crisis intervention, and other skills that help in managing day-to-day life. This type of education provides skills to help the individual live a productive and independent life.


Working one-on-one with a counselor can help individuals find the best strategies for identifying triggers, managing symptoms of illness, and learning how to manage stress, anger, and mood disruptions.    Since hallucinations and delusions can be managed in a variety of ways, a counselor can help pinpoint which techniques will work best for the client.


People with schizophrenia need a healthy support system. A counselor can help a client identify ways to build support from friends and family, address conflicts, improve communication, and identify other factors that will aid in better interpersonal skills.


Family therapy can be utilized to address problems within the family structure that might exacerbate symptoms and lead to crises. This type of therapy can also be utilized to educate family members on the nature of the illness and how to offer the most effective support.


Support groups allow the individual an opportunity to work with others who have personally struggled with similar challenges associated with schizophrenia.


Group psychotherapy helps the client develop skills needed to interact and get along with others. This type of therapy can be utilized to learn communication and social skills and identify patterns that may negatively impact relationships with family and friends.


Medication therapy involves working with a medical team to help the individual find the best medication for his or her individual needs, identify side effects, and address concerns like weight gain and sleep disturbances. The team helps the patient monitor changes in symptoms and address side effects as they present.

With the support of a good mental health support team, people with schizophrenia can live full lives with minimal disruptions from illness. If you would like more information on managing symptoms of illness, contact us at Pandora’s House Psychiatry today.

Why Online Counseling Is A Great Option

There are a variety of ways to get counseling right now, which is wonderful when it comes to making sure that everyone gets the counseling that they need. One form of counseling that is incredibly beneficial is online counseling. This is a form of counseling that is done completely online, and it has a lot of great benefits for many individuals who are seeking counseling. Here are three reasons why online counseling is a great option.

Why Online Counseling Is A Great Option

It Is More Affordable 

One great reason to choose virtual counseling is because it is more affordable than in person counseling. This makes it possible for you to get the counseling that you need, even if you don’t have the money for in-person counseling. This increases the amount of people who get counseling for very important issues and makes it possible for them to get the help they need.

You Can Get Counseling Anywhere

Another reason why online counseling is a great option to consider is because you are able to get counseling anywhere that you can connect to the internet. This can make counseling possible for you in more rural areas, where counseling isn’t available in person. This also allows you to get counseling sessions in when you are traveling for work, vacationing, etc.

It Is More Private

If you don’t like the idea of going to a public location for counseling, then virtual counseling is a great alternative. Online counseling is much more private because you can have the counseling sessions from the privacy of your own home. You don’t even have to show your face to the camera, if this is something that makes you feel uncomfortable.

To learn more reasons why online counseling is a great option, or to hire an online counselor to help you today, visit us at Pandora’s House Psychiatry.

How Do I Discuss My Mental Illness With My Friends, Family, and Co-workers?

Many individuals diagnosed with mental illness may feel compelled to keep their diagnosis and treatment a secret. This may be due to the stigmas caused by confusion and misinformation about mental illness and psychiatric treatment. The individual may feel unsure of how and even whether to disclose their mental health information to family, friends, bosses, co-workers, or even a new girlfriend or boyfriend.

How Do I Discuss My Mental Illness With My Friends, Family, and Co-workers?

When an individual decides to disclose their mental health status, the first step is deciding what you are comfortable sharing and what you want to keep private. Sit down with your counselor or a trusted friend and role-play the discussion. Try to anticipate questions and how you may respond. If you find yourself getting tongue-tied when you talk about your illness, take a moment to think about or even journal what you want the individual to know about your diagnosis.  Think about why it is important to share this information. Knowing what you will and will not say ahead of time will help you set boundaries with the individual if they begin to ask questions that are too personal.

If you decide to disclose your mental health status at work, consider talking to a patient advocate regarding the rights of workers as it pertains to mental health and discrimination. If you feel comfortable disclosing your status, keep the information generic without revealing intimate details. You want to assure your boss/co-worker that your mental health in no way impacts your ability to do your job.

Discussing your mental health with someone you have just begun dating can be awkward, to say the least. When you decide that you are ready to discuss your illness with your prospective partner, plan what you want to say ahead of time. Wait for a time when you have privacy and will not be disturbed. Give your partner time to process the information and answer questions. If you are not able to answer all questions, your counselor may be able to assist.

Why discuss your diagnosis with anyone? The confusion about mental illness leads to more stigma. As those with mental illness share their stories and experiences, greater clarity and understanding will lead to greater acceptance. As a bonus, others may learn something from your story that will allow them to address problems in their own lives. If you need more information about mental health, contact us.

3 Ways That Counseling Can Help Teenagers

If you have a teenager, you know that this is a time in their life where they are going through a lot of changes. One way to help your teenager, is to get them into counseling. Here are three ways that counseling can help teenagers.

3 Ways That Counseling Can Help Teenagers

It Can Help Improve Their Self-Esteem

One way that counseling can help teenagers is to help them improve their self-esteem and the way that they view themselves. This is possible because the counselor that they work with will help them to focus on the good aspects of themselves, and give them the tools that they need to work on the things that they are not happy about. This increase in self-esteem can help them to see their life in a new light and will give them tools that they need to grow into an emotionally mature adult.

It Is Great For Improving Their Mood

Counseling can also help to improve the mood of a teenager. Being a teenager is no easy task, and most teenagers need some extra help when it comes to understanding what they are feeling, why they are feeling that way, etc. A counselor has the time to sit down with a teenager and talk with them about what is causing their mood, why they feel this way, what would help, etc. Simply talking about these emotions is very helpful

It Helps Them To Work Through Their Emotions

Teenagers can often have a hard time working through their emotions because a lot of them are new to them, and they aren’t sure what it is that they are feeling. Rather than working through these emotions, a lot of teenagers try to bottle them up. This can often lead to them acting out in other ways. Going to counseling can help a teenager to not only acknowledge and discuss their emotions, but also learn great ways to cope with them.

To learn more reasons that counseling can help teenagers, or to get your teen into counseling today, visit us at Pandora’s House Psychiatry.

Understanding Bipolar-Related Disorders

Bipolar disorders, formerly manic depression, cause dramatic highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression) in a person’s mood, energy, and thought process.

When depressed, they feel sad and hopeless, losing interest in activities they previously found pleasurable. When their mood shifts to mania, they feel euphoric, highly energetic, and less likely to be irritable.

These extreme mood swings may occur occasionally or a few times a year. While some people experience emotional symptoms when the changes happen, others don’t.

Understanding Bipolar-Related Disorders

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder falls into these distinct categories:

  • Bipolar 1: This type entails manic episodes that last 7 days or more. It may have severe mania that requires hospitalization or a major depressive episode lasting two or more weeks.
  • Bipolar 2: It features both mania and depression, but the mania is not as severe as in type 1. Doctors call it hypomania, with the person experiencing a major depressive episode before or after a manic episode.
  • Cyclothymic disorder: It comprises symptoms of hypomania and depression, lasting two or more years in adults and 1 year in children. The symptoms don’t wholly fit the criteria for manic or depressive episodes.

Other types of bipolar disorder also exist. Patients don’t experience symptoms in any of the above categories, but the signs stem from alcohol and drug use or medical conditions.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of mis-diagnoses of bipolar disorder, or the diagnosis happens much later than when the symptoms were first present. In such cases, the condition can be extremely debilitating.

Getting the Right Support for Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a lifelong condition, but you can manage your mood swings and other symptoms with the right treatment plan. Psychological counseling and medication can treat bipolar disorders in some cases.

At Pandora’s House Psychiatry, we strive to increase access to mental healthcare while raising awareness of the many benefits of treatment. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to discuss possible symptoms and solutions.

Understanding Causes and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorder is one of the most common forms of mental illness, affecting nearly 40 million American adults every year. Occasional anxiety is normal and can even be helpful since it enables the body to respond to danger. However, anxiety disorders lead to excessive and constant worry and fear that is often disproportionate to the level of risk. These can be crippling, hindering you from participating in daily life activities.

Understanding Causes and Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

Types of Anxiety Disorders

  • General anxiety – excessive fear and worry with no justifiable reason
  • Social anxiety – fear of being embarrassed, humiliated, or rejected during social interactions
  • Agoraphobia – fear and avoidance of places that could make you feel trapped and helpless, such as an elevator or public transportation
  • Specific phobias – fear and avoidance of particular objects or situations, such as fear of heights or spiders
  • Separation anxiety – fear of being separated from a parent or loved one
  • Substance-induced anxiety – intense worry and fear resulting from substance misuse or withdrawal
  • Panic disorder – sudden intense worry and fear that peaks into a panic attack

What Causes Anxiety Disorders?

It is not clear what causes anxiety disorders. But researchers believe it is a cocktail of genetic, environmental, and developmental factors. The following factors could cause or trigger anxiety disorders.

  • Genetic predisposition – anxiety disorder can run in the family.
  • Trauma –  kids who witnessed or experienced traumatic events are at a higher risk.
  •  Personality – particular personality types are more susceptible to anxiety disorders.
  • Medical condition – diseases like heart disease and diabetes can cause anxiety disorder symptoms.
  • Alcohol and drugs – misuse or withdrawal from drugs and alcohol can cause or aggravate anxiety disorders.
  • Stress – stress build-up due to work, family, or finances can cause anxiety.
  • Other mental illnesses – people with other mental illnesses are at a higher risk of being affected

Symptoms of Anxiety disorders

Excessive fear and worry is the most common symptom of anxiety. You can also experience any of the following, depending on the type of anxiety disorder.

  • Feeling tense and restless
  • Sense of looming danger
  • Uncontrollable worry
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Insomnia
  • Shortness of breath
  • Heart palpitations
  • Trembling
  • Excessive sweating
  • Tiredness


Managing anxiety disorders is crucial, especially if they interfere with daily life. Treatment involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy. Medication does not cure anxiety disorders but can help manage the symptoms. On the other hand, psychotherapy trains you to respond better to the illness emotionally.

At Pandora’s House Psychiatry, we treat our patients professionally with understanding and sensitivity. Contact us today to book an appointment if you or your loved one is experiencing symptoms of Anxiety disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia Demand Effective Treatment

Schizophrenia is one of many serious mental illnesses that affects the way a person behaves and changes the way that they see the world. A person’s thoughts and emotions seem separate from reality, turning any interaction with society into something difficult and aggravating.

Signs of this disorder usually show up anywhere between the ages of 16 and 30 in some form of psychosis, though there are gradual downslides in a person’s cognitive abilities that can easily be dismissed as something else. The symptoms are usually very serious and demand treatment as a necessity to function in a healthy way.

When treatment isn’t available, a person with schizophrenia can move further and further away from reality. Thoughtful, knowledgeable, and proven treatments are the best way to control one’s symptoms and reenter reality.

Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia Demand Effective Treatment

Signs and Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

A person suffering from schizophrenia may display evidence of the following symptoms:

  • Delusions, or thoughts and ideas that are outside the realm of reality.
  • Hallucinations, or seeing and hearing things that simply aren’t there.
  • Disorganized thinking and speech patterns that impair effective communication.
  • Erratic and abnormal motor behavior, defined by unpredictable actions and unfocused theories and ideas.
  • Depressive negligence, or personal negligence, such as ignoring hygiene, lacking emotions, losing interest in activities, and not caring about anything at all.

While some symptoms, such as delusions, are usually present in everyone who suffers from schizophrenia, the type of symptoms, and the intensity of the symptoms, are different for everyone. With treatment, many of these symptoms can be controlled and remission is possible.

Schizophrenia Treatment Options

While you can’t prevent schizophrenia, there are treatment options available that can help a person return to their former lives. Antipsychotic medications can lessen many symptoms and cognitive behavioral therapy is highly suggested. Support from family and friends is essential for success and a coordinated care program can be life-changing.

Pandora’s House Psychiatry offers comprehensive and coordinated psychiatric services for people who suffer from schizophrenia. We are confidential, diligent, and effective. Contact us to schedule an initial appointment.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD, is a developmental disability that affects one’s ability to learn, communicate, and understand social interactions. The Center for Disease Control estimates that 1 in 44 children in the U.S. were affected by ASD in 2018. There is no cure, but prompt therapy tailored to one’s needs can help minimize and manage symptoms.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder


Indications of ASD typically began to manifest around the age of 2 or 3, though some developmental delays can be identified as early as 18 months. Research has shown that the earlier the intervention, the higher the chance of a positive outcome later in life, so it’s important to be aware of what to look out for.

Developmental Signs of ASD:

  • Does not show facial expressions by 9 months of age
  • Does not point to demonstrate interest by 18 months of age
  • Does not play with other children by 3 years of age
  • Does not know how to pretend by 4 years of age
  • Does not sing or dance by 5 years age

Repetitive Behavioral Signs

  • Lines up toys and objects
  • Repeats words or phrases
  • Upset by minor changes
  • Obsessive interests
  • Strict routines

Miscellaneous Signs

  • Avoids eye contact
  • Delayed cognitive skills, including language
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Hyperactivity
  • Epilepsy or seizure disorder
  • Gastrointestinal issues


There are three main methods of screening a child for autism:

Developmental Monitoring

This is the most basic level of screening. It involves the ongoing process of watching a child grow and develop. Parents should be observing their child for developmental milestones in learning and behavior. There are many resources online that can be used to aid in this process. They can tell you at what age certain skills and abilities typically develop.

Developmental Screening

This is the next level up in screening.  It’s more formal and takes a closer look at developmental milestones, especially at 9, 18, and 30 months of age. It’s performed by professionals in the healthcare or community setting.

Developmental Diagnosis

If development does not appear to be on the right track, a formal evaluation can be performed by a trained specialist such as a developmental pediatrician, child psychologist, or occupational therapist. The child may be given structured tests to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in different areas. This is the most extensive form of screening for ASD.


As of 2013, the American Psychiatric Association no longer recommends that healthcare professionals classify autism into subtypes. Instead, Autism Spectrum Disorder is used as an umbrella term, and categorization is based on the amount of support someone requires. The range is from level 1 to level 3, with level 3 autistic patients requiring substantial support to live their lives.

Types of treatment:

  • Behavioral: Reinforcement of desired behaviors and discouragement of undesired ones. Widely accepted as an effective form of treatment.
  • Developmental: Focuses on improving specific skill sets such as language.
  • Educational: Treatment in a classroom setting based on consistency and visual learning.
  • Social-Relational: An approach that highlights improving social skills and emotional bonds.
  • Pharmacological: There is no medication that treats the core of ASD, but some medications can help curb symptoms and ease related medical conditions.

For more information on ASD and to set up an appointment to speak with us at Pandora’s House Psychiatry, click here. We’re dedicated to serving our community with diligent psychiatric care, emphasizing sensitivity, understanding, and trust.

Depressive Disorders: Future-Focused Treatment and Recovery

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Major Depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. In 2020, an estimated 21.0 million adults in the United States had at least one major depressive episode.

Depressive Disorders: Future-Focused Treatment and Recovery


Depressive episodes can vary among people, but they are commonly defined by some combination of the following symptoms:

  • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair
  • High levels of irritation and anger
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities previously enjoyed
  • Sleep pattern changes like insomnia or sleeping too much
  • Fatigue and lack of energy
  • Reduced appetite, weight loss or weight gain
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Moving and/or thinking more slowly than normal
  • Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, and failure
  • Brain fog, trouble concentrating, memory loss
  • Frequent thoughts of death, suicidal thoughts, suicide attempts
  • Unexplained physical symptoms, such as back pain or headaches

For most people experiencing a depressive episode, their symptoms have a moderate to severe impact on their day-to-day functioning and mood.


It is difficult to pinpoint exact causes of depression and every patient is different. Common causes of depression include brain chemistry, hormone levels, family history, trauma, medical conditions, substance use, and chronic pain. Risk factors include sex, genetics, socioeconomic status, vitamin deficiencies, substance abuse, and medical illnesses.


Depression is a serious mental health condition, and it requires treatment from professionals with a clear understanding of the disorder. At Pandora’s House Psychiatry,  we focus on treating the immediate symptoms of depressive disorders and helping patients with long-term recovery. The future can be a scary concept when you are dealing with depression, but with the right treatment, patients are able to reclaim both their present and their future.

Treatment for depression usually includes a combination of psychotherapy and medication. By conducting a thorough evaluation of your mental health, our psychiatrists will help create a treatment plan that focuses on the tools that will benefit you the most.  We are dedicated to serving you with sensitivity, understanding, and trust. If you, or someone you love, is suffering from depression, contact us today to schedule an initial appointment.